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Third lunchtime blaze in Lews Castle Grounds    15/8/12

Another major fire has broken out in the Lews Castle Grounds in Stornoway around the same time of day as previous blazes.

Five fire crews have been tackling the flames which were fanned by a  stiff easterly wind.

The gusts are also causing hotspots to flare up. Some 10 acres of moor and mature trees have been destroyed

Smoke billowed onto the main road and police warned drivers to take caution while passing the area.

The fire broke out by Strawberry Hill at the back of the castle.

Stornoway Police say they are anxious to hear from any persons who were in the Castle Grounds in the vicinity of the Strawberry Hill area during the early afternoon of today. They are asked to contact Stornoway Police on 01851 702222.