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Stornoway, Lewis
Double standards over the guga 12/8/11
Each year much is made of the Glorious 12th of August with many top hotels vying with one another to see who can be first to dish up a fresh grouse (usually the toffs hang them by the head until the corpse drops before eating them).
No one is calling for a ban on grouse shooting and there would be a national outcry if there was. The sustainability of grouse shooting in some areas is questionable and today some of the estates are not allowing shooting because of low numbers.
The annual sustainable harvest of the guga by the men of Ness is a different story and the bunny huggers once again are calling for its ban, even although the activity, unlike grouse shooting, enjoys protection by an Act of Parliament.
I won't go down the road of battery chicken farming and the horrendous life and death these poor birds suffer, yet most of us demand cheap chicken in the super markets and give little or no thought to its production. Suffice it to say the guga is dispatched quickly and humanely.
Long may the Nessmen continue to keep this ancient right going -
John J Maclennan
1, Willowglen Road
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