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Free Presbyterians slam SNP for same-
►Free Presbyterian submission on same sex marriage consultation
The Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland has denounced the SNP administration's proposals for gay marriage as 'extremely dangerous and subversive of Christian morality,' asserting that homosexual practice is 'a sin against God and those unnatural homosexual unions forged by men an abomination to him.’
Rev David Campbell, convener of the denomination’s Religion and Morals Committee, said: “We must continue to do this until the land is more fully purged of these evils by repentance and public reformation."
He warns: “No law or public opprobrium will prevent our ministers from publicly preaching against the sins of sodomy and unnatural union... we shall continue to preach publicly against it as that which the Word of God condemns.”
The Free Presbyterian Church stressed it will never solemnise nor recognise same-
Mr Campbell said: “Spiritual privileges, such as the sacraments, as also office in the Church, would be forbidden any who entered into such a relation as is envisaged.
“The confusion which civil partnerships and the so-
In their response to the Scottish Government's Consultation Paper, the Church deplores the consultation itself.
The submission says: 'It is utterly inconsistent with our constitutional liberties and with justice and equity to consider the possibility (as may be inferred from some questions) that the State could force religious bodies to act against conscience and the Word of God.
“'We consider this consultation to be repugnant and offensive to public decency and morals and we wish to be disassociated from having any part in bringing about any legislation resulting from it.... and repudiate the suggestion that it could at any time be feasible for the Scottish Government to coerce the Christian Church to supply religious ordinances or to give its blessing to anyone, far less to “solemnise” a perversion which the Word of God describes as an abomination.'”
In a sweep besides at the First Minister's central political ambition, the Free Presbyterians warn: “Interference in the freedoms of the Church of God in Scotland, which were secured at such great cost, and which are legislated for in the Treaty of Union, would be catastrophic to the peace and liberty of Scotland.
“In such weighty and important matters we esteem it our duty to follow the example of the Apostles of Christ – to obey God rather than men.”
Church leaders will shortly meet with a Scottish Government representative to press home their position.