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Church of Scotland opposes gay marriage            14/11/11

The Lewis Presbytery of the Church of Scotland is to declare its opposition to gay marriages.

Representatives of island Church of Scotland congregations debated the controversy at its presbytery meeting on Tuesday.

The Scottish Government proposes to change the law to introduce same-sex marriages in Scotland. It is also consulting over an option of holding religious marriage ceremonies for gay weddings and civil partnerships in church.

Though the discussion was held in public, the presbytery clerk declined to provide a copy of its submission until it is forwarded to the Scottish Government. The public consultation ends on December 9th.

It is understood the presbytery, which is the collective voice of the denomination on Lewis, does not want a change in the legislation and believes same-sex marriage to be against bible teachings.

The contentious issue has already rocked the national Church of Scotland after its General Assembly sanctioned practising gay preachers and clergy. It is also considering if it should accept applications from openly gay people to join the ministry.