Hebrides News

Stornoway town centre road flooded as sea cascades over the quay


22 August 2024

The main route through Stornoway town centre was flooded by the sea last night (Wednesday).

Sea water pouring over the quayside saw a section of North Beach Beach submerged.

Also affected were Lazy Corner on Cromwell St Quay, the Fishermen’s Carpark and parts of Perceval Square Carpark.  Flooding also occurred at Bayhead due to persistent rain and restricted drainage during wet weather.

Adverse weather factors clashed at the same time to create the North Beach phenomenon. Pushed by stiff onshore wind during a low pressure system, the very high tide increased in height, spilling over the quayside and flowing on to the adjacent road. Non-stop rainfall exacerbated the situation. With nowhere to go, the tide kept rising onto the street and the water remained trapped until the tide eventually ebbed.

In the event, tide level peaked beyond the 5.37 metres predicted for Thursday evening.

Police Scotland, Stornoway Coastguard rescue personnel and the Comhairle roads staff closed the route to traffic as the water level rose, monitoring the situation until the risk of hazard passed.

The owner of this vehicle was taken aback to see it trapped in water just an hour after parking. She opted not to wade in and waited for the tide to clear.

Not in the tourist guide: An Australian visitor was flummoxed at the sea suddenly surrounding her van.  

It started with just one drop and then the tide just kept cascading over at Lazy Corner

Cars negotiated the flooded road until water levels rose too high