Hebrides News


A radiology equipment upgrade project underway at Ospadal Uibhist agus Bharraigh is estimated to last until mid-May.

The current general x-ray equipment in the radiology department in Ospadal Uibhist agus Bharraigh is over 12 years old and is due to be upgraded.

Over £300,000 is being spent on the renewal project which has been funded by the Scottish Government.

The outcome will improve the x-ray service in Uist and Barra by enabling a wider range of movement of the x-ray machine and also by enhancing the radiation safety for patients.

During the works, there may be some disruption to the service, and this may mean that waiting times for routine x-rays will be slightly longer than normal.

Urgent x-ray appointments will still go ahead as normal. Ultrasound appointments will not be affected said the health board.

Jane Macdonald,radiology manager, NHS Western Isles said: “We are very excited to be upgrading this x-ray equipment in Ospadal Uibhist agus Bharraigh.

“The new equipment has many advanced features which will enhance radiation safety and overall patient experience.

“This is a significant investment by Scottish Government and will future proof the hospital radiology service."



X-ray equipment upgrade at Balivanich hospital


19 March 2025