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Western Isles election count is underway

7 May 2021

The Western Isles election count started at 9am this morning in the Lewis Sports Centre, Stornoway.

Ballot boxes from Harris and Lewis were transported to the venue after polls closed last night and kept under lock and key with two personnel on guard overnight.

Boxes from Barra were taken over to Uist by boat last night and locked up with boxes from Berneray to Eriskay in the Benbecula council offices, again being guarded all night. under the watchful eye of personnel.  They were transported by road to the Sound of Harris ferry to travel northward to Stornoway where they are expected to arrive at the back of 10am.

The first stage of the count is to verify the ballot papers to ensure all voting slips issued at the polling station has been brought to the count. Candidate votes are not counted at this stage. When verification is complete for a ward these ballot are mixed in bundles in a clear plastic box and placed in a holding area until the counting stage.

The count will undertaken on a ward by ward basis.