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People across Scotland are being warned of the dangers of giant hogweed, a toxic plant that can cause severe skin blisters, burns and even blindness.

NatureScot issued the warning ahead of the school summer holidays, when people, particularly children, are most likely to be exploring the outdoors.

Giant hogweed sap contains a toxic chemical, which sensitises the skin to sunlight and causes severe blisters, resulting in burns which can be serious and long lasting.

Every year gardeners, walkers, children and animals are hurt by the plant.

Not native to Scotland, giant hogweed is widespread across central and eastern parts of the country. It is commonly found along river banks, on waste ground and beside roads and train tracks.

NatureScot’s invasive species policy manager Stan Whitaker said: “It’s really important for people to be able to recognise giant hogweed so they can avoid potentially serious injury.

“Thankfully the plant is relatively easy to identify when fully grown due to its enormous size of between two and four metres tall, with large white clusters of flowers up to 80 centimetres wide.

“Its leaves are very large and sharply divided and can be over one metre across while the stems are green with purple blotches and covered with bristly hairs.”

If people do come in to contact with the plant, they must cover the affected area to block sunlight then thoroughly wash the area to remove the sap. Should redness or blistering occur, medical help should be sought.

Dog walkers are also being urged to keep their pets away from giant hogweed, as it is harmful to animals as well as humans.

Anyone who spots giant hogweed growing on amenity land, such as parks, playing fields, footpaths or road verges, should report it to the local authority.

Warning about widespread toxic plant which causes burns and blisters

 28 June 2022

Plant that causes blisters, burns and blindness widespread over country

Scots are being warned giant hogweed contains a toxic chemical that hurts children and animals every year.