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Last minute Uig pier reopening restrictions creates chaos for haulage deliveries   

23 March 2023

A fresh round of disruption has hit ferry sailings to Harris and Uist as direct routes resume following a ten week outage.

Highland Council has ruled longer vehicles are not permitted to board the ferry due to the temporary linkspan alignment and limited turning space at the council owned pier.  

Highland Council which owns the harbour gave no hint of continued disruption when it delivered an upbeat assurance everything would be fully in place to allow the safe resumption of ferry services.  

Restrictions imposed by the local authority over the use of the linkspan means affected vehicles are denied boarding. It is hoped the issue will be fixed by the the weekend.  

Last night the issue also affected long length vehicles coming off the ramp at Skye.

However, alternations were made to the bridge so trailer and units up to 17 metre long can now disembark at Uig. The issue with loading onto the ferry continues.

Some truck drivers at Harris were last night asked to divert via Stornoway.

Uist based users were advised to catch the Lochboisdale service which itself faces possible cancelled sailings after the South Uist pier was damaged during Wednesday’s stormy weather. The afternoon island-bound sailing may be cancelled.

Frontline CalMac staff are receiving a large amount of abuse about the situation which is not the fault of the shipping operator. CalMac personnel are doing their best to help ferry users switch to alternative ports.  

A CalMac spokeswoman said: “Late yesterday afternoon, the Highland Council informed us there may be some restrictions for certain vehicles travelling on the temporary structure at Uig.

“Following a vehicle trial yesterday evening arranged by the council, these restrictions were confirmed and our affected customers were contacted.

“We fully appreciate and share the frustration felt by communities regarding this very late notice from Highland Council, which brings more uncertainty to our communities regarding the reopening of Uig.

“Please be assured that we are working closely with the Highland Council as harbour owners and will provide a further update as soon as we are able to.”

Highland Council told Hebrides News the issue to due to the “alignment of the (temporary linkspan) bridge not allowing the necessary turning movement for longer vehicles.  

“Whilst the ferry service will be back on the route today, longer vehicles travelling from Uig to the islands are having to be rerouted through Ullapool.

“A solution is being developed and likely to be in place by Saturday.  We apologise for any inconvenience caused to HGV operators and other long vehicle users.”

Restrictions have been imposed on a range of commercial trucks and motorhomes.

Low-loader trailers, road tankers and coaches are also affected.

Cars towing a trailer are on a list of vehicles being redirected.

The Uig berth was shut for nearly ten weeks for upgrade works under an arrangement to reopen in time for the start of the summer season.