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Teachers’ strikes to hit Western Isles schools

24 February 2023

Most Western Isles schools will be closed on two days of strike action next week.

Teaching trade unions are taking part in national industrial action on Tuesday and Wednesday over a pay dispute.

Only Sgoil Uibhist a Tuath will remain open. All other primary and secondary schools will be shut on the strike days.

Some infant nurseries are also affected. Those open on Tuesday are Balivanich Nursery, Castlebay Nursery, Iochdar Nursery, Laxdale Nursery, Sgoil an Taobh Siar Nursery, Sgoil Uibhist a Tuath Nursery (Saoghal Beag), Stornoway Childcare Centre, Stornoway Primary Nursery, Tong Nursery, Sir E Scott Nursery.

On the Wednesday the units open are Balivanich Nursery, Castlebay Nursery, Iochdar Nursery, Laxdale Nursery, Sgoil an Rubha Nursery, Sgoil an Taobh Siar Nursery, Sgoil Uibhist a Tuath Nursery (Saoghal Beag), Stornoway Childcare Centre, Stornoway Primary Nursery, Sir E Scott Nursery.

Other nurseries will be closed to children.

Schools and nurseries that are open can only accept children from their own registers that are scheduled to attend that day. It will not be possible to accommodate children from closed centres at these locations.

If you are concerned about the safety or wellbeing of any child or young person during the day of industrial action, please contact Faire on 01851 701702.

The comhairle said: “Every effort is being made to open services where there is certainty that sufficient staff will be available to safely operate the provision.”