Hebrides News




Aquatera, an Orkney-based environmental consultancy, is leading an independent consultation in relation to the Community Benefit Fund associated with the proposed Spiorad na Mara offshore wind project.

If the project goes ahead, it will provide a fund of £4.5 million each year for the operational lifetime, expected to be around 35 years, to communities on the west coast of Lewis, specifically those in Council Wards 6 and 7 - An Taobh Siar Agus Nis and Sgir’ Uige Agus Carlabhagh).

Aquatera has been contracted as an independent company to deliver a consultation for this Community Benefit Fund.

As part of this consultation, Aquatera will be conducting a series of drop-in events at venues around Lewis this week.

The first was on Wednesday in Barvas and Brue Community Centre.

On Thursday an event open to all Lewis residents takes place in An Lanntair in Stornoway. Between noon and 3.30pm the team will be downstairs in the art centre.From 5pm to 8pm the drop-in will be in the Drum Room upstairs.  

Another consultation is on Friday between noon and 8pm at Breasclete Hall for residents of Ness, Westside area, Carloway district, Uig, and Bernera.

Two events are scheduled for Saturday. Both run between 10am and 13.30pm at Bernera Hall and Uig Community Centre, again for people living in Council Wards 6 and 7 which covers the Ness to Uig area.

The consultation aims to engage residents on the west coast and gather insights and ideas on how the proposed fund should be managed and used. The longevity of the fund, should the project go ahead, will provide a great opportunity to create a long-lasting impact and legacy and a chance for west coast communities to look towards the big picture, and towards younger generations, to shape the future of the area.    

Additionally, Aquatera are carrying out an exploratory consultation exercise on potential wider benefits that could be delivered for the whole of Lewis, by, or through, the project. This strand of consultation is open to residents from across the island and is aimed at gathering ideas which can be considered by the Spiorad na Mara project as its plans progress.

Next week, an online event – open to everyone – will be held those who can’t make it to these in-person events: Wednesday 19th March 6pm to 8pm, tickets available via www.eventbrite.com/e/spiorad-na-mara-community-benefit-consultation-tickets  

Throughout the consultation - which will use various approaches including surveys, interviews, meetings, and stakeholder workshops - there will be a focus on gathering views from all sections of the community.   

Questionnaires for the consultation will be available to complete soon, and details will be announced on the new and dedicated Spiorad na Mara Community Benefit Consultation website, managed by Aquatera.

As there are two strands to the consultation process, two different questionnaires will be available to complete – one for residents of Lewis’ west coast (regarding the ringfenced West Coast Fund), and one for people living elsewhere in Lewis (the exploratory consultation around wider potential benefits that could be considered by the project).

Printed questionnaires will also be made available for residents wishing to complete the survey in-person. The printed surveys will be available at locations throughout Lewis, and at Aquatera’s engagement events. Locations of these printed surveys will be announced soon.  

This consultation process is completely separate from the planning process associated with the Spiorad na Mara project, and views and feedback shared through this process do not affect the rights of individuals or organisations to share views on the project through the statutory consultation processes associated with planning or through the project’s second phase of public consultation, which is due to take place this summer.

Aquatera is a multidisciplinary company, providing a range of environmental services and products, operating internationally from a hub based in Stromness, Orkney.  

Aquatera has previously delivered community engagement projects in Island communities, consulting with Orcadian communities on behalf of an independent council board (The Orkney Towns Board) to understand how residents wanted to govern and allocate the UK Government £20 million Levelling Up fund.  

More information and updates can be found on the dedicated Spiorad na Mara Community Benefit Fund Consultation website www.pioradnamaracommunity.uk/ .

Locals can have their say on community payments from planned Spiorad na Mara wind farm off Lewis


12 March 2025

Offshore wind turbines