Sheep poo mess spoils historic sites 30/7/14
A friend of mine came up to Lewis for a visit and we went to the Carloway broch.
On the way up and back to the car our feet got covered in sheep poo (disgusting).
cleaned our shoes before getting into the car and headed for the Callanish Stones.
On the track from the Callanish centre to the stones, more sheep poo (disgusting).
we cleaned our shoes that by this point were green and stinking and set off for the
Iolaire memorial. Yet again we got covered in sheep poo (disgusting).
Now, this is poor poor show for an island that gets a lot of its income from tourists. I spoke to plenty of them at these sites who were really annoyed by the sheep poo on the tracks. It's really about time we upped our game.
The path to the Iolaire memorial is overgrown and in a state of disrepair (very sad
for all our local men that lost their lives in this tragic accident).
Kenny Maclean
Isle of Lewis