This Easter, the Salvation Army, based in Stornoway, has some special guests coming to lead events during Holy Week.
UK commissioners Anthony and Gill Cotterill is visiting the island.
Gill Cotterill will be speaking tonight (Thursday) at a service in St Peter’s Church, starting at 7.30pm.
Tomorrow (Good Friday) at 1pm, starting at Perceval Square, a joint ecumenical march of witness will take place and journey through the town centre. Free hot cross buns and drinks will be available.
Easter Sunday marks a day for celebration, and the pair will be preaching at the Stornoway Corps building on Bayhead at 11am. There will be a ‘bring and share’ lunch afterwards for people to spend time in fellowship.
Next Thursday evening - 13 April - the commissioners can be heard on Isles FM’s GLOW programme.
Lieutenant Faith Thompson, Stornoway Corps Officer, said: “The Western Isles is a beautiful community and we look forward to sharing some of what we have experienced since arriving, with our leaders.
“We hope you would like to join us at some of our events and meet the commissioners.”
Commissioners Anthony and Gill Cotterill
Salvation Army leaders visit Stornoway over Easter
6 April 2023