Hebrides News

Dear Sir,


I read with utter amazement in Hebrides News recently that local Labour prospective Westminster candidate, Torcuil Crichton, was advocating that people vote Labour.  The last thing anyone in the Western Isles should do is vote to add to the overwhelming Labour super-majority which will manifest itself in Westminster on 5th July.  

Torcuil naively considers he can provide a link to the heart of a Labour government but the reality is that a vote for Labour in the Western Isles will simply feed the stomach of the gigantic Starmergeddonosaurus which will be spawned south of the border.  

What the Western Isles needs is a principled voice in Westminster acting as a constraining conscience in the face of the inevitable debates on assisted death for our elderly and the abortion to birth of our children who should be the future of our country.

I felt compelled to resign from Labour in January of this year as the local constituency Labour Party and their prospective candidate were not prepared to support my view that the unborn child should be afforded greater protection.

t is not just about change - it is about just change.  It's not about doing the right thing to get elected - it is about electing to do the right thing. And Labour simply don't get it.

I regard all human life as being made in the image of God and am passionate about the protection of all human life at all stages of development. Personally, I regard the current scale of abortion as being unjustified intra-uterine carnage on an industrial scale.

The total fertility rate of 1.28 is not enough to sustain our population.  Not only does this lead to a negative economic effect due to a lack of the working age adults needed to grow the economy; but is an existential emergency for the future of Scotland.

It is imperative that the people of the Western Isles vote Scottish Family Party on 4th July to bring about the pro-family policies needed to save our country, improve our society, and grow our economy for the benefit of all.  A principled counter balance will be needed on the 5th of July and the Western Isles with a Scottish Family Party vote on the 4th July can bring this about.


Steven William Welsh 

Scottish Family Party Candidate

Pro-family policies ‘needed to save our country’    



27 June 2024