Hebrides News

Around 800 people have signed a petition against Tesco’s plans to commence Sunday trading on Lewis.

Since taking over the site in 2008, the retail giant has closed its doors on Saturday nights, reopening to the public on Monday mornings in respect to the Lewis tradition of maintaining Sunday as a day of rest.

But now Tesco bosses want the Stornoway supermarket to ditch its uniqueness of being the only one in its UK chain not operate all days of the week.

Alasdair Macleod who launched the petition on Change.org believes other businesses will “sadly feel pressured” to follow Tesco and open on Sundays.

He said: “Many of us hold cherished memories of island Sundays as a guaranteed day of rest, relaxation and no work - a precious day of family time and worship.

“However, this simple yet profound day is at risk due to the concept of seven-day trading creeping into our culture.

“When stores and businesses open their doors on Sunday, it may seem like a convenience at first, but the resulting ripple effect leaves workers with less time to rest, less time for family, less time for church worship and invariably, a lower quality of life.”

He added: “Often we don't realise the value of what we have until it's gone. We are the envy of many people living in mainland Scotland with our peaceful, work-free Sundays so why swap them for their hectic, stressful, work-filled, busy Sundays?

“Every year the Outer Hebrides is voted right at the top of a poll of the happiest places to live in the UK. Is it a coincidence that our islands as a whole, are one of the only places that still has a guaranteed traditional Sunday of rest and no work?”

Christian Davies, store director for Tesco in the Highlands and Islands, said: "We are confident we can carefully balance the demand for a seven-day opening while remaining respectful to local traditions and culture.

"While shopping on a Sunday is not for everyone, a store that is open seven days a week would significantly improve the shopping experience for all customers, by offering choice to those who do want to shop on a Sunday and reducing congestion during other days of the week, especially on a Saturday.”


Hundreds sign petition against plan to open Tesco Stornoway on Sundays


6 October 2024