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A “Peat Lady” sculpture has been unveiled in Stornoway town centre.

A competition to name her is due to take place after the New Year.

A plaque will be added to the display which is intended to mark the history and importance of the peat cutting culture in Lewis.

The 400 kg sculpture - commissioned by Western Isles Lottery - stands in Point Street on the site of a removed fountain.

The previous fountain centre piece, originally installed by Stornoway Amenity Trust back in the 90s, had long fallen into a state of disrepair and the lottery team undertook to upgrade another one of Stornoway’s attractions.

They felt the area was in need of a new type of display and the newly delivered, bespoke sculpture, was commissioned from Welsh based expert sculptor, Simon O’ Rourke.

Tony Robson of the lottery team said: “This is truly another example of the community coming together to improve the aesthetics of the town and, thanks to everyone’s efforts, we will once again have a beautiful show piece at the heart of a very busy thoroughfare.”


‘Peat Lady’ sculpture installed in Stornoway town centre

4 December 2021