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A new harbourmaster has been appointed to help steer Stornoway Port Authority through a period of major redevlopments.


From Portnaguran on Lewis, Scott Campbell takes on the job of harbourmaster/operations manager.


The 35-year-old - a master mariner with more than 17 years’ experience in various roles in the marine/offshore industry - was recently promoted to master after serving as chief officer for Prosafe Offshore on board the Safe Scandinavia for the past five years.


He takes up his role with the harbour board as it seeks to progress ambitious proposals, including the creation of a deep-water port which will bring major economic benefits to the island.


This will help accelerate growth in the cruise business, by providing a berth for larger ships, as well as improved berthing and servicing for oil and renewables projects and a new linkspan/freight ferry berth.


Other proposals includes a new marina to tackle a shortage of yacht berths and amenities that is constraining potential growth in marine tourism.


Mr Campbell will be working with the team to develop the deep water port.


He will also advise the authority on marine matters as well as being responsible for marine and landside health and safety.


Mr Campbell said: “This is an exciting challenge at a time of major change with exciting opportunities for the harbour and the island generally.


“The chance to be part of the team working on the masterplan and progressing these ambitious developments is one I’m very much looking forward to.”


Alex MacLeod, Stornoway Port Authority’s chief executive, said: “Scott is a great addition to the team and very much complements our current marine staff.


“This is a key role within the port authority’s senior leadership team and we welcome Scott’s previous experience on a wide variety of vessels, including those deep sea and in the oil and gas industry.


“We are delighted to have someone with Scott’s expertise and knowledge to deliver a safe, reliable and efficient operation as we advance these long-term developments.”



New harbourmaster for Stornoway Port Authority

4 May 2018