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Four priests with island connections have been invested as new canons within the Diocese of Argyll and the Isles.

Canon John Paul Mackinnon, Canon William MacLean and Canon Roddy Johnston and Canon Michael Hutson have been promoted to the senior roles by Bishop Brian McGee.

They were installed at a service and Mass in St Columbla’s Cathedral in Oban.

Canon Mackinnon - who hails from South Uist -  is the priest in Barra. He shot to fame as one of the stars of the Island Parish TV series which tracked his start in his then new parish about nine years ago.

Before him, Canon Michael Hutson pastored at Castlebay and is now based in Rothesay.

Former Stornoway priest, Canon Roddy Johnston, is now ministering in Ballachulish and Taynuilt. His great grandmother was born and raised on Lewis.

His successor at Our Holy Redeemer Church, Canon William MacLean, spent eight years on Skye beforehand. The keen cyclist, footballer and cat lover has also served in Lochgilphead - his first parish - where he taught Spanish at the local college and trained as a CAB counsellor.  






Island priests appointed to the role of canon

 14 March 2020