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Foghlamaiche Ionmhais – Ìre B -
Cùmhnantan làn-
Tha MG ALBA toilichte dà dhreuchd ùr fhoillseachadh a dh’obraicheas taobh a-
Stèidhichte ann an Glaschu, bidh an Co-
Stèidhichte ann an Steòrnabhagh, bidh am Foghlamaiche Ionmhais a’ toirt taic don
Sgioba Ionmhais agus Gnìomhachais a thuilleadh air a bhith a’ dol an sàs gu cunbhalach
le comhairlichean agus solarachaidhean bhon taobh a-
Ma tha ùidh agaibh ann am fear seach fear de na h-
Cò sinn?
Tha MG ALBA (Seirbheis nam Meadhanan Gàidhlig) a’ ruith na seanail Ghàidhlig BBC
ALBA ann an com-
Tha fiosrachadh cudromach mu ar n-
Càite bheil sinn?
Tha oifisean againn ann an Steòrnabhagh agus Glaschu agus tha na dreuchdan suidhichte mar a leanas:
Foghlamaiche Ionmhais – Steòrnabhagh
Rudan inntinneach eile mu bhith ag obair aig MG ALBA
Ùidh agaibh? Na h-
Faicibh am paca-
Thoir iomradh nur tagradh air dè an dreuchd a tha sibh a’ cur a-
Bu chòir tagraidhean foirmeil a bhith a-
Faodaidh ceistean neo-
Thèid agallamhan an cumail air 27 Gearran 2020 ann an Glaschu agus 2 Màrt 2020 ann an Steòrnabhagh.
Tha MG ALBA a’ fastadh!
Communications & Content Co-
Finance Trainee -
Full time, permanent contracts
MG ALBA are pleased to announce the creation of two new posts working within our growing team.
Based in Glasgow, the Communications & Content Co-
Based in Stornoway, the Finance Trainee will support the Finance and Business Affairs Team as well as regular engagement with external advisers and external programme suppliers. As part of succession planning within the Finance Team, the postholder will undertake formal and accredited professional finance training and career advancement will be an opportunity for individuals who would like to progress and develop their own professional careers.
If you are interested in finding out about any of these new roles, we would love to hear from you.
Who are we?
MG ALBA, Scotland’s Gaelic Media Service, operates the Gaelic television channel BBC ALBA in partnership with the BBC. We are also responsible for FilmG, in collaboration with Cànan Graphics Studio, and we deliver LearnGaelic in partnership with the BBC, Bòrd na Gàidhlig, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig and Bòrd na Ceiltis (Alba).
Our Operational Plan 2019/20 provides important information about our aims and outcomes for this year.
Where are we?
We have offices in Stornoway and Glasgow, these posts are located as follows:
Content & Communications Co-
Finance Trainee -
Other interesting information about working for MG ALBA
Interested? Next Steps
Please refer to the Job Application Pack:
Please specify in your application which post you are applying for.
Formal applications should be submitted by Friday 14 February 2020, 12pm to Claire Macleod, HR Advisor at To apply, please submit your current CV to and let us know by letter what motivates and interests you about the role and working for MG ALBA.
Informal enquiries can be made to Claire Macleod to
Please get in touch if you would like to arrange a confidential and informal chat about the post.
Interviews will be held on 27 February 2020 in Glasgow and 2 March 2020 in Stornoway.