Kirsty Nicolson won the girls’ traditional solo singing event
Dual, Fèis Eilean an Fhraoich, won the ceilidh group secondary section
Sgoil nan Loch pupils with their silverware: Kyla Mackenzie was highest equal in
Gaelic in her competition. Alexis Doherty won the 5-
Roy Morrison of Lionel School was first in the accordion under-
Laxdale School are the primary school folk group champions.
Prizewinners at the Lewis Mòd
June 2019
A selection of photos of prizewinners from the Lewis Mòd.
Sgoil nan Loch were top of the larger primary school choirs’ competition.
Sarah NicBheathain of Sgoil Bhreascleit won the open sgeulachd primary school category
Elsie Macdonald of Sgoil A’ Bhac was first in the bardachd, 5-