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Island co-operative, Lewis Crofters, has experienced a “challenging but fulfilling” year, says its chairman.

The crofter-owned social enterprise - which celebrated its 60th anniversary this summer - is reporting on its activities to its members and its annual general meeting tonight (Mon).

Chairman Iain Maciver said: “With an uncertain time for crofting, we are encouraged by the continuing support and interest in the society.

“We are looking at ways of trying to expand to keep abreast of what our customers want and expected from the co-operative.”

He added: “We are very conscious of the pressures crofters are under.

“Our ongoing aim is to try and procure feed and stock at as low a price as possible without scarifying quality

“We been trying to stream line the operation and thankfully were able to pass on the saving from freight to the customer.”

He said: “Arguable, the marketplace has not been good for crofters in recent years and when you add in the increasing burden of feed and fuel costs, it is a struggle to keep crofting viable

“Hopefully Lewis Crofters can play its part in trying to make crofting work for crofters in the future and a means of doing that is to make sure we have feed of a type and a price that crofters can afford.”

The co-operative was set up in 1958 to source agricultural supplies and livestock feed from the mainland at a fairer price.

Over the decades, the firm expanded into selling household goods, ironmongery, clothing, and pet supplies.


“Challenging but fulfilling” year for Lewis Crofters

10 December 2018