Goose curry on the menu 30/1/14
Goose curry is on the menu at Sgoil Lionacleit today as a way of avoiding throwing
away shot geese.
The greylag goose is a huge pest with large flocks trampling, soiling and devouring
crops and grassland.
Shooting the geese is a last resort method of tackling the problem. Marksmen give
away geese to those that want them but many are often thrown away.
Lioncleit pupils have devised recipes for the meat which is lean and healthy. The
flavour can vary depending on the bird, from sweet and tender to a strong gamey flavour.
The meat can sometimes be tough, but if slow-cooked or prepared with an acidic marinade-
such as citrus fruit or vinegar– it is delicious, tender and juicy, similar to venison
or beef.
Students on the S3 and S4 Crofting Year course have learnt all about the the SNH
Machair Life crop protection trial.
They were then given a demonstration by marksman and ex-teacher, Phillip Harding,
of how to process a goose from ‘in-feather’ to oven-ready.
Then the students had a go of removing the breasts fillets which is quick and clean.
Then S4 hospitality students tested out recipes for curry, bolognese, lasagne and
burgers on teachers, staff and students who scored each dish on taste, texture and
A fruity curry was preferred and it will be cooked for a special free lunch in the
canteen today.
Machair Life co-ordinator Hazel Smith said: “This project is really important for
Uist. It is vital that the next generation of crofters learn about goose management
in order that a sustainable population of geese can be maintained in the future.
“Goose meat used to be a common dish on the Uist table, but for various reasons it
seems to have become unpopular. The school dinners project aims to get everyone trying
this hearty and healthy food again.”