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Former comhairle convenor and last provost of Stornoway, Sandy Matheson, is ot be granted the Freedom of the Western Isles.

The honour is bestowed by the council in recognition of their exceptional service to the area.

The ceremony takes place in Stornoway Town Hall on 31 July.

Sandy Matheson, who served as convener of the local authority from 1982-1990 is being recognised for his outstanding contribution to local business, politics, and public life.

Since the comhairle was formed the Freedom of the Western Isles has been granted on six occasions: to Rev. Donald Macaulay, Father Calum Maclellan, Donald Stewart MP, Chrissie Stewart, Duncan M Morrison, and the Queen’s Own Highlanders.

Convener of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, Kenny Macleod, said: “The Freedom of the Western Isles is not granted often, as it is the highest honour that the Comhairle can award and is reserved for those who have made the greatest contribution to these islands.

“I look forward to being in attendance as Sandy’s outstanding contribution is recognised and he is presented with this long-deserved honour.”

Some seats in the Town Hall have been set aside to allow for members of the public to attend the historic event.

If you would like to attend the ceremony, please call 01851 822600 or email

Sandy Matheson to be granted Freedom of the Western Isles at special ceremony

20 July 2023