Hebrides News

SSEN Transmission has lengthened the period for people on Lewis to provide feedback on plans to develop a proposed new HVDC convertor station and AC substation on Arnish Moor.  

The feedback period for the initial statutory pre-application consultation event that took place in Stornoway last month has been extended to Thursday November 28, in recognition of the level of local interest and engagement in the proposals which will be an essential part of the proposed Western Isles HVDC link.

A second consultation and feedback event will take place in November where staff from SSEN Transmission will again be on hand to answer questions and share details of the proposed site location and layout, as well as visualisations and information about connections into the proposed site.  

The proposed 400kV substation and converter station – known as the Lewis Hub – is an essential part of the proposed Western Isles HVDC link which will allow 1.8GW of new renewable electricity generation to connect to the electricity transmission network, helping to facilitate the transition to net zero emissions. 

The project involves plans to  install a cable on the moor, build a substation and a separate convertor station to connect planned windfarms on Lewis -  in addition to future offshore turbines - to Arnish from where electricity generated on the island will be exported through a subsea cable under the Minch to the mainland.

Kevin Morrison, Community Liaison Manager with SSEN Transmission, said: “We recognise the strong local interest and level of engagement in our proposals, and that is why we have extended the feedback period for our first statutory pre-application consultation until November 28, to allow more opportunity for people to have their say.

“We intend to hold a second consultation event in November and will provide further details on this to the public in due course.  

“In the meantime, we encourage anyone who hasn’t yet had the chance to submit their feedback to do so, as this is a key part of our project development process. We’d also encourage people to keep informed by signing up for project updates on our website.”  

Project teams anticipate the Western Isles subsea link will be completed by 2030. 

To submit feedback and register for project updates, visit the project website www.ssen-transmission.co.uk/western-isles  

Once complete, the Western Isles HVDC Link will allow 1.8GW of new renewable electricity generation to connect to the electricity transmission network, helping to facilitate the transition to net zero emissions.  The project is part of SSEN Transmission’s Accelerated Strategic Transmission Investment (ASTI) programme, which feeds into a wider £20bn package of work to upgrade the north of Scotland transmission network, known as the Pathway to 2030 programme. 

 The Western Isles HVDC Link will involve creating a new HVDC converter station and AC substation near Stornoway, with around 81km of HVDC subsea cable between Arnish and Dundonnell on the Scottish mainland, followed by around 80km of onshore underground HVDC cable to a HVDC Converter station near Beauly. 






Extended consultation for Lewis subsea cable convertor station plans


11 October 2024