Western Isles emergency service are holding an open day at Stornoway coastguard station on Saturday afternoon.
Coastguard rescue teams will demonstrate their life-
The station’s operation room will be open to the public allowing people to see the
latest state-
A search and rescue demonstration will be carried out by the coastguard helicopter.
Fishing vessel surveyor, Pat Bonner, will be on hand to offer safety advice to fishermen.
Also planning to attend the event are a range of emergency services including police, fire service, ambulance, Stornoway Airport fire service, Hebrides MRT, RNLI, and the Salvation Army.
Leisure boat users have the chance to dispose of any out-
Senior coastal operations officer, Carl Taylor, said: “The overall aim of the afternoon is to educate, demonstrate and promote our safety messages, as well as provide an entertaining afternoon.
“We hope for an excellent attendance I look forward to meeting everyone on the day.”
The event takes place between 1pm and 4pm .
Emergency services’ open day
16 August 2019