Hebrides News

Cash-strapped Comhairle nan Eilean Siar will switch off rural streetlights an hour earlier as part of spending cuts.

Areas where streetlights currently go off at 11pm will now be programmed to switch off at 10pm.

Bring a torch, the comhairle advises people out and about late in the evening.

A council statement said: “The implementation of this policy may not be so noticeable over the summer. However the general public in affected areas should consider alternative means of personal lighting should they be walking around their communities after the implementation of the re-scheduled switch off time.”

Stornoway will not be affected by the changes - streets within the town will remain brightly lit overnight.

In addition, some older lamp posts in rural areas will continue on their current timing pattern where these operate on individual controls.

The changes are commencing now and take place over the summer months in a phased manner throughout the Western Isles. 

Lights will dim in rural Lewis and Harris by the end of July.

The changes will be implemented in Uist and Barra over August and September.

Places such as piers and harbours which are exempt to the policy will continue unchanged.





Carry a torch recommends the comhairle under rural streetlights spending cut


25 June 2024