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‘S e Dr Fionnlagh MacLeòid, à Siabost, Leodhas, a’ chiad ùghdar a choisinn sàr dhuais litreachais airson an leabhar ùr aige.


Thèid Duais Dhòmhnaill Mèic a buileachadh air Fionnlagh MacLeòid  airson a’ chiad nobhail, Gormshuil an Rìgh, a sgrìobh e do dh’ inbhich is a chaidh a fhoillseachadh aig Fèis WORD ann an Obar Dheathain bho chionn ghoirid.


Thuirt Rosemary Ward, Stiùiriche, Comhairle nan Leabhraichean: “Tha Fionnlagh air sgrìobhadh ùr, inntinneach agus gu math eadar-dhealaichte a thoirt dhuinn le Gormshuil an Rìgh agus tha e airidh air an duais seo.”


Tha Comhairle nan Leabhraichean ann an co-bhonn le Alba Chruthachail a’ cur Duais Dhòmhnaill Mèic airson litreachais Gàidhlig air bhog aig Fèis Leabhraichean Eadar-nàiseanta Dhùn Èideann air Diluain 30 Lùnastal.


Chaidh Duais Dhòmhnaill Mèic a’ stèidheachadh le taic-airgid bho Bhòrd na Gàidhlig agus Alba Chruthachail agus ’s ann tro Chomhairle nan Leabhraichean a chaidh an fharpais chudromach seo a libhrigeadh.


Thuirt Ms Ward: “ ‘S e farpais bhliadhnail airson sgrìobhadh ùr Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh a th’ ann an Duais Dhòmhnaill Mèic agus fhuaras sgrìobhadh de gach gnè bho measgachadh de sgrìobhadairean ùra agus stèidhichte.  


“Tha sinn gu math moiteil gur h-ann an ainm Dhòmhnaill Mèic a tha an duais ùr seo. Bha Dòmhnall na Chathraiche air Comhairle nan Leabhraichean aig aon àm agus tha e air a bheatha phroifeiseanta a chur seachad a’ togail inbhe litreachas na Gàidhlig.”


“Bha e na adhbhar misneachd dhuinn gun d’ thàinig feadhainn òga air adhart le sgrìobhadh air leth làidir agus dòchasach, agus bha na britheamhan a’ faireachdainn gun robh Pàdraig MacAoidh airidh air moladh airson na sgrìobh esan.


“Tha sinn an dòchas gur ann bho neart gu neart a thèid an fharpais seo gach bliadhna agus gun tèid againn air leudachadh a thoirt air litreachas na Gàidhlig agus an ath ghinealach de sgrìobhadairean Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh.”






Dr Finlay MacLeod of Shawbost, Lewis, is the first author to be awarded a top Gaelic literary prize.  

The Donald Meek Award will be presented to Dr Finlay for his first adult novel, Gormshuil an Rìgh, which was launched recently at the WORD festival in Aberdeen.


Rosemary Ward, Director of the Gaelic Books Council said: “Finlay has created a new and imaginatively different piece of writing and he is a worthy recipient of this award.”


The Gaelic Books Council, in association with Creative Scotland, will launch the first annual Donald Meek Award for Gaelic literature at the Edinburgh International Book Festival on Monday 30 August.


The award is funded jointly by Bòrd na Gàidhlig and Creative Scotland and the coordination of this important literary competition is managed by the Gaelic Books Council.


Ms Ward said: “The Donald Meek Award is an annual competition which seeks to encourage new and creative Gaelic writing and we received new works in a variety of genre from emerging and established Gaelic writers.


“We are extremely proud that Donald Meek has given his name to this new award. Donald was a previous Chair of the Books Council and he has devoted his professional life to raising the status of Gaelic literature.”


“We were greatly encouraged that new writers submitted very strong and inspired writing and the judges felt that Padraig MacKay was worthy of commendation for his work.


“We hope that this competition will go from strength to strength each year, that it will help us to extend and increase the range of Gaelic literature and encourage a new generation of Gaelic writers.”






Dr Finlay unveiled as winner of top literary prize                  23/8/10