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Four Crofting Commission jobs will be based in the Western Isles after the Scottish Government awarded an additional £325,000 to the body.

Two roles will be based in the rural payments office in Stornoway and the other pair in the Balivanich office.

Calls to relocate Crofting Commission jobs out of Inverness and into the Western Isles were regularly made by the comhairle over the years.

The regulator’s absence of local staff was always a stark peculiarity given the large distribution of crofts across the Outer Hebrides.

According to rural economy secretary Fergus Ewing: “This idea was raised at a meeting with crofters in Barvas, Isle of Lewis, last November.

“It was clear we need to work to create new job opportunities in the Western Isles and take action to support the community.”

Crofting Commission convener Rod Mackenzie said:  “This is an important day for crofting and its future.

“This is extremely timely and will help us to further support and develop crofting, which in turn will enhance and assist our role as its regulator.

“This board have always placed a high priority on ensuring that the precious asset of well-managed, well maintained and occupied crofts are supported especially in remote areas where the economy and the population levels are fragile.”

“The longstanding values of crofting, such as effective land use, community and sustainability have been brought into sharp focus these past four months.”

He added: “These posts will be an integral part of the Crofting Commission together with their colleagues in Inverness, but their presence in the islands will enable us to develop new and better ways of working with these communities. In the future, the commission aspire to see this template of working extended to other crofting areas, when resources permit.”


Crofting Commission finally creates jobs in Western Isles

8 July 2020