Consultation over potential Western Isles tourist tax scheme
12 March 2025
Public consultation sessions are due to be held in the Western Isles as Comhairle
nan Eilean Siar explores the feasibility of introducing a tourist tax scheme.
Consultants will lead this public session and meet with local stakeholders, to discuss
concerns and opportunities associated to any such scheme.
Councils are not obliged to implement such a levy but if opting to do so the rules
require consulting with communities, businesses and tourism organisations beforehand.
Western Isles councillors previously agreed to develop a detailed outline of an Outer
Hebrides Visitor Levy Scheme.
The comhairle has set up a councillors’ working group as well as a council officials
group to discuss the development and administration of a local scheme.
Urban Foresight will carry out the consultation programme on behalf of Comhairle
nan Eilean Siar.
Councillors are expected to decide in June over introducing a tourist tax. If they
agree to proceed, further consultation over the scheme’s detail would take place
and the start date would likely be in 2027.
Next week’s events in Benbecula and Stornoway are open to all to share their views
on the visitor levy. Online sessions are also scheduled.