Hebrides News

Scottish Conservative general election candidate, Kenny Barker, has called for for a renewed approach in dealing with issues relating to the new contract for the Benbecula to Stornoway inter-island flights service. 

As a resident of North Uist, Mr Barker has relied on the service frequently in the past.

He sees issues relating to the adequacy of aircraft type on this route. 

Mr Barker stated: “For many of us in the Southern Isles, the Benbecula to Stornoway air route is an essential lifeline service of vital importance to those of us seeking medical treatment or referrals at the Western Isles Hospital. 

“I have had numerous correspondence from folk who have expressed their concerns relating to size and accessibility of the aircraft designated for the route. 

“I therefore seek renewed dialogue between the Scottish government, Comhairle nan Eilean siar, NHS Western Isles and the communities of the Southern Isles in future proofing this service by meeting the needs and demands from its users going forward.  

“As a recipient of a hip replacement a few years ago I have been advised against using this service as I am unable to get in or out from the aircraft type that’s provided and I know I am not alone.”

Conservative candidate  raises concerns over Benbecula to Stornoway air service


29 June 2024