Hebrides News

A special service will be held at noon this Saturday to mark 100 years since the unveiling of the Lewis War Memorial.

Rev William Heenan from St Columba’s Church, Stornoway, will take the service at the memorial which will also feature laying of wreaths on behalf of the community by HLord Lieutenant, Iain Macaulay, and comhairle convenor, Kenny Macleod.

Kenny Macleod, said: “It is important that we mark important events in our history, such as the centenary of the Lewis War Memorial.  

“The service on 21st September will give us all an opportunity to gather to reflect and to remember those who paid the ultimate sacrifice serving our country.

“I would encourage all in our communities to attend this special service.”

The ceremony is open to the public as is a lunch at St Columba’s Church Hall immediately following the service.

Ceremony will mark centenary of Lewis War Memorial


16 September 2024