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A £20,000 grant from NHS Western Isles to Macaulay College in Lewis has ‘transformed and greatly enhanced’ the provision available to the 25 students supported by the service.

The college is a not-for profit social enterprise based outside Stornoway. The enterprise provides people (Including school pupils) with additional social and educational requirements with a programme of activities that encourages them to have meaningful and fulfilling working and social lives.   

The funding allowed the purchase a portakabin accessible toilet unit which means that students no longer have to go all the way back to the main building if they need to use the facilities.  

Macaulay College development worker, Jo-Ann McConnachie, said: “The toilet is next to the timber buildings where we look after our donkeys, Eriskay pony and other animals.  It is also beside a multi-use area, that houses our gym, a workspace, break space and music area.   

 “The funding has transformed and greatly enhanced when we are working with the 25 students we support.

“As we work in groups and cover large areas of the farm, this toilet means that students and staff don't need to go all the way back to the main building but can quickly use the facilities beside where they are working.

“When working in a group, which is our main way of working, it gives students freedom to use the facilities without all the group having to go down to the college and wait for the student before returning to activities they are engaged in.”

Macaulay College supports students  52 weeks a year. Referrals come from Education, Social Work and the NHS. The students who attend Macaulay College complete activities on the farm such as animal care, horticulture, creating delicious jams and chutneys, selling eggs, as well as craft/artwork. The one-to-one support has a focus on completing activities and attending events students are interested in; with a focus on health, wellbeing and being part of the community.

Jo-Ann added: “As a not-for-profit community interest company, where every penny spent is carefully considered, it is really nice for students to have such a nice, well made, new facility on site especially when a lot of the college areas are aging and in need of refurbishment.  As our numbers continue to increase and with a staff of 17, there is more demand for working areas and facilities, this new toilet greatly helps.”

NHS Western Isles Board Chair, Gillian McCannon, said: “NHS Western Isles was delighted to be able to provide a capital grant to Macaulay College. This is an impressive and inspirational organisation that provides vital support to people with varying social and educational needs. The staff involved are passionate about the service they provide, and their commitment to improving the support on offer is admirable. We are so pleased that this grant has made a positive difference to the students who attend.”

£20,000 boost for Macaulay College

10 October 2023