Adult volunteers with Girlguiding in Lewis met recently to celebrate specific milestones in their volunteering journeys.
Awards for five and 10 years’ service were presented to volunteers.
Iona France, Rosie Struthers and Linda Mackay, who all volunteer with groups in Stornoway, respectively received their 20, 30 and 40 years’ service badges and certificates.
These ladies have been making a difference to the lives of girls and young women in the community for a combined total of 102 years. In recognition of this outstanding contribution of their time and skills they were also nominated for the Clisham Award for adult volunteers which is presented by the Western Isles Volunteer Centre.
A spokeswoman said: “Volunteering with Girlguiding isn't just about campfires and helping girls to get their next badge. It's about empowering girls and giving them new experiences.
“It's being a role model and helping girls to realise their full potential.
“Whether you've been involved in Girlguiding before or are completely new to the movement, you too can make a difference in girls’ lives and have fun along the way.”
More volunteers are needed in Lewis and Harris in order to restart face to face meetings for Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers following the Covid-
“We invite more adults to join us to: meet new friends, take a refreshing break from your everyday routine, share a skill or specialism, make a difference to the lives of girls in our community and spend time laughing, playing and being inspired by incredible girls and young women.”
You can find out more at or by contacting the lead volunteer for Girlguiding Western Isles on 01851 704295.
Awards for Girl guide volunteers
26 June 2022
Iona France, Rosie Struthers and Linda Mackay
Adult volunteers with Girlguiding in Lewis